Metal Doors

Today, let’s talk about metal doors.

One of the fast-selling products on the building materials portfolio is the metal door. Metal doors have gained popularity for a number of reasons. These reasons include multiple designs that one can choose from. Such choices enable people to have doors that meet their specific requirements and taste.

The metal doors that are currently popular are light and are user-friendly in that they make less noise compared to the older models, which were also heavy. The older metal doors also had limited designs.

What is important is for one to choose the type of doors he requires for the different parts of the house. For instance, you may need stable doors for the kitchen and normal doors for other rooms, including doors for entry into the house. These doors could even be double doors or one and half-sized doors to suit the different entrances. All these doors can be made and cut to meet one’s specifications.

Metal Doors can be ready-made, like wooden doors, or they are specifically made for an order. For a good finish, it is advisable to get the doors made or finished for a specific entrance. This means one must have the exact measurements of the door frame on which the door will be fitted. If the measurements are not exact, you will have a door that does not quite fit and has to be welded or adjusted to fit the frame. Such adjustments create a poor finish to the fitted door and do not show the quality of the investment that you would have made.

One of the challenges we have today is the variations in sizes of the door frames being made by the many manufacturers. Unlike the wooden doors, which can be dressed down to fit the different door frames without losing their quality, metal the doors may show if the adjustments are not correctly done. Another issue is that some manufacturers do not stick to the standard door measurements, and sometimes the quality of the door frame is not up to scratch in terms of both the straightness and material used. Some door frames are made of very light material, which is inadequate to carry the heavier metal door.
It is therefore advisable that you use quality door frames that meet future requirements. Using the cheaper but weaker door frames will result in one incurring future modification costs. Sometimes, these modifications will change the good appearance of your entrance as per your desires. You may also be forced to carry out regular repairs to your doors at great cost and inconvenience.

Our suggestion is for you to get the best products at the start and get them fitted by good craftsmen.

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